RHRLI’s Patient Advisor

Michael Petroglia Michael Petroglia Linkedin RHRLI

Patient Hair Restoration Adviser Michael Petroglia of Robotic Hair Restoration After seeing the results of his initial hair transplant procedure in 2003, and how it transformed his life, Michael Petroglia decided to become a part of the industry in as quickly as one year after having his initial procedure. Michael has a passion for both this industry and for helping people regain their self-confidence. He knows what it’s like; he’s been there.

While he was the Director of Patient Education for Medical Hair Restoration for 7 years, and at the Anapelli Hair Clinic for 3 years, Mr. Petroglia met with Dr. Gohil. Dr. Gohil’s awareness in Robotic Hair Restoration piqued his interest and saw it has a viable option for hair restoration in men.

His responsibility is to help educate anyone with an interest in having a hair restoration procedure, the best he can. It is rewarding for him personally, to see the transformation when patients return for their one-year post-op photos. The self-confidence exuded in the patients is back and better than ever; they can’t thank Michael enough for helping them make an educated decision regarding their hair loss. Some of Michael’s closest friends are ex-patients of the practices he’s worked for. That in itself says it all.

Before and After Michael’s Procedure

Before Photos of Hair Transplants by RHRLI Michael’s Hair Line was receding from front to back. He has typical male pattern baldness. His hair loss treatments consisted of 4000 grafts in total. At the time of Michael’s surgery in 2002, Michael underwent the FUT (strip) method.

Patient Advisor Michael Petroglia After Photos Michael’s final result was a full head of hair. Hair was transplanted in the bald areas as seen above. His hair is now thick and full and can be styled as desired.

With new advancements in hair restoration, Michael recommends FUE procedures. They are extremely accurate, minimally evasive and remove the follicles evenly across the donor area.

Robotic Hair Restoration of Long Island is the first, only facility on Long Island, that offers the “ARTAS” Robot.

Read Michael’s Full Story Here.