Thinning Hair

Melatonin and Hair Loss

melatonin and hair lossMelatonin is a hormone that is naturally created in your body by the pineal gland while you sleep. You may have heard that some people take melatonin as a short-term sleep aid to treat insomnia. It is also an antioxidant, which means it can combat oxidative stress to reduce the signs of aging. [Read more…] about Melatonin and Hair Loss

Does Bear Oil Cure Baldness?

Bear oil being applied to hairBaldness is something that mankind has been trying to combat since its earliest days. Primitive wigs and hairpieces go back to early civilizations like the Celts and the Sumerians. Ancient Egyptians would mix concoctions to put on their heads in the hopes of curing baldness. The Roman Empire saw the use of the combover by people like Julius Caesar. [Read more…] about Does Bear Oil Cure Baldness?

No-Shave November Benefiting Cancer Research

no shave novemberIt’s that time of year again. Men all over the country are opting to hold off shaving for the whole month as a part of No-Shave November. This year is going to be a bit different though. The No-Shave November campaign will be introducing new cancer-focused nonprofits that individual donors – and the greater No-Shave community – will be able to designate as the specific nonprofits their money will go towards. [Read more…] about No-Shave November Benefiting Cancer Research

Weight Loss Surgery and Hair Loss

weight loss surgeryThere is certainly no shortage of weight loss remedies and treatments that exist and are readily available to the public. Sometimes diet and exercise are enough, but in more extreme cases prescription drugs or even surgery become the only answer. While some may feel weight loss surgery is extreme, it is often done as a life-saving procedure. [Read more…] about Weight Loss Surgery and Hair Loss

Protein And Hair Loss

man looking at hair loss in mirrorWhat we put in our bodies affects our whole body. A healthy diet where you’re taking in the necessary vitamins and nutrients has a positive effect on your overall well-being – a higher probability of healthy skin, nails, and yes, healthy hair. Malnutrition has the opposite effect. [Read more…] about Protein And Hair Loss

OTC Medications That Accelerate Hair Loss

medication and hair lossThere are many different illnesses and infections that could potentially cause hair loss. In those cases, you’ll often be prescribed a medication that will result in hair regrowth. Other medications like minoxidil – which has a different function when taken orally – can treat hair loss when applied topically.

While there are examples of medications that can help to prevent hair loss or even reverse temporary hair loss, there are still other over-the-counter medications available that could trigger or accelerate hair loss.

So… what medications cause hair loss?

[Read more…] about OTC Medications That Accelerate Hair Loss

3 Ways Your Hair Changes with Age

the hair aging processWe all understand that our bodies change as we get older. One of the more visible changes is in our hair. The majority of men experience some degree of hair loss by age 35… and the vast majority of men experience hair loss by age 50. [Read more…] about 3 Ways Your Hair Changes with Age

Coconut Oil And Hair Loss

Coconut oilIt’s natural for many people who suspect they may be experiencing hair thinning or loss to look at health and beauty products that claim to curtail that. Some of these products are extremely versatile. Would you believe there’s a product that people use for cooking and cleaning that’s also used for skin care? That product would be Coconut Oil. [Read more…] about Coconut Oil And Hair Loss