Robotic Hair Restoration Blog

Can drinking just one glass of soda lead to hair loss?

Can Drinking Just One Glass of Soda Lead To Hair Loss?

We’ve all heard how what we put into our bodies can have an impact on our overall hair health. Different kinds of foods and medications can affect our blood vessels – which bring nutrients to our hair follicles as well as our skin. Many fried and oily foods can be linked to poor health, which affects our hair. Some beverages
Why more men are getting hair transplants

Why More Men are Getting Hair Transplants

It’s an astounding statistic: According to the International Society for Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS), 1 in 13 men will have a hair transplant during his lifetime. Hair replacement, like other cosmetic procedures, is gaining in popularity every year and truly has gone mainstream.
Tea Tree Oil and Hair

Tea Tree Oil and Hair

Tea tree oil is good for a lot of things from pimples to dry skin… but is it good for your hair? Sometimes it’s nice to be able to answer questions with a resounding, “Yes!” That said, tea tree oil is not for everyone. The smell is strong, and some people find it unpleasant. It is poisonous if ingested –
How to tell the difference between normal shedding and hair loss

Normal Shedding or Hair Loss: What Is The Difference?

You’re brushing your hair and, when you’re done, there is a significant amount of hair that is now on your brush and not your head. You wake up in the morning to find loose hairs on your pillow. In these (and similar) circumstances, thoughts often stray to the possibility of hair loss. However, there is a difference between the amount
Does Hair Loss Affect Your Career?

Does Hair Loss Affect Your Career?

For many of us, our careers are one of the single most stressful aspects of our day-to-day lives. Our financial futures, health insurance, where we live, and much more are determined – to no small degree – by the jobs that we hold. This leads us to closely examine what may or may not help us to move ahead in
Post-restoration tips for a healthy scalp

Post-Restoration Tips for a Healthy Scalp

Hair loss is inevitable for most people. In fact, about half of the population will be affected by male or female pattern baldness during their lifetimes alone. Once you include other forms of baldness, it’s easy to see how most people will experience hair loss eventually. While some of those forms of hair loss – like telogen effluvium or traction
Saw Palmetto and Hair Loss

Saw Palmetto and Hair Loss

There are many treatments available in today’s battle against hair loss, and for the average person, it can be a lot to keep track of – topical medications, high-tech solutions ranging from platelet-rich plasma therapy to robotic hair transplant, and a bewildering array of dietary supplements. In order to clear things up a bit, let’s take a look at one
Is it possible to delay hair from turning gray?

Is It Possible to Delay Hair From Turning Gray?

Some men and women look great with gray hair. In fact, it’s been trendy for the last several years to have a full head of gray hair. But what if you have just a few and feel like they just make you look old? Is it possible to delay the appearance of gray hair or even reverse it once it
Are Caffeine Shampoos Effective In Treating Hair Loss?

Are Caffeine Shampoos Effective At Treating Hair Loss?

As we get older, many of us examine our hairline with more scrutiny and look more closely at the products we put in our hair. We hear and read up about all sorts of things from the kinds of shampoos and conditioners we should use, how often we should use them, if we’re using all-natural products, and more. All in
What you need to know about medical tourism

What You Need To Know About Medical Tourism

According to the CDC, millions of Americans every year participate in medical tourism – which is traveling to another country for medical treatments and surgeries. As a result, it’s very possible someone you know (or perhaps even yourself) has participated in medical tourism before. There are many reasons people may choose to involve themselves in that including – but not