Can You Have Too Little Hair for a Transplant?

ARTAS® Robot on Long IslandWhile hair restoration procedures can bring back a natural hairline, there is no universal cure for hair loss. Hair thins for a variety of reasons, some of which can be treated and some can’t. A very common question people ask about hair restoration procedures is whether they have too little hair for a transplant. Unfortunately, the answer can be yes.

RHRLI Will Analyze Your Hair to Determine Treatment

Analyzing which type of hair loss you have is a crucial part of a free consultation with Robotic Hair Restoration of Long Island. We analyze your hair, the pattern forming as it thins, the quality of your hair and any possible medical conditions to determine if you’re a good candidate for robotic hair restoration.

The most common form of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness (or female pattern baldness). Hair restoration procedures like Follicular Unit Excision (FUE), which is the method Dr. Baiju Gohil performs using the ARTAS® device at Robotic Hair Restoration of Long Island, require donor hairs. While androgenetic alopecia usually leaves hair on the sides and back in men and just causes overall thinning in women, in some cases there might not be enough donor hair for the procedure.

Effects of Hormones on Hair Loss

Good donor hair isn’t just about quantity either. It’s also about the type and quality of hair. High levels of the male hormone androgen cause androgenetic alopecia. This form of hair loss doesn’t occur overnight. Instead, hair follicles affected by the hormone gradually thin, becoming more and more fine and lighter in color until they’re like peach fuzz. Though that is generally confined to the top of the head, sometimes those affected by male pattern baldness might appear to have enough donor hair on the sides and back, but if it’s in the early stages of thinning, there won’t be enough hair to donate.

Are You a Good Candidate for Robotic Hair Restoration?

Determining if you’re a good candidate for hair restoration procedures requires a full hair analysis and evaluation to determine if any serious, underlying health issue is causing the hair loss, whether you have sufficient hair in quantity and quality to donate and the stage of your hair loss. Because hair loss manifests differently for men and women, different classification scales are used – the Norwood scale for men and the Ludwig scale for women.

The classification scale for men was originally created by Dr. James Hamilton but was updated by Dr. O’tar Norwood, which led to its name and consists of seven classes of hair loss ranging from a full head of hair without any visible hair loss at Class 1 to Class 7, which is the most significant form of hair loss. Class 7 might have enough donor hair to transplant, but it’s likely that results would be limited. The Ludwig scale measures female hair loss.

The First 3 Classes of Hair Loss in Men

  • Type 1 is the mildest stage of hair loss with thinning at the top of the head.
  • Type 2 has sections of the scalp showing through the thinning hair.
  • Type 3 is complete hair loss at the crown. People with Type 3 hair loss might be good candidates for hair restoration procedures, depending upon the quantity and quality of hair on the sides and the back.

Get Your Natural Looking Hair Back Starting With a Free Hair Analysis!

The best way to know whether you’re a candidate for hair restoration is by arranging a free consultation, which includes a free personal hair analysis, with specialist Dr. Baiju Gohil at his state-of-the-art facility, featuring the ARTAS® robotic hair transplant system.

Dr. Gohil’s commitment to patient care and quality has become known as the RHRLI Edge. We only have one procedure per day, so each patient gets our complete attention. To learn more as to why RHRLI is Long Island’s hair restoration leader, contact us today.

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